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When To Seek Help If Your Dog Isn’t Eating

By February 4, 2020April 1st, 2020No Comments

It can be very concerning when your dog isn’t eating regularly. After all, a good healthy diet is a key part of a happy life. So what exactly is happening when your dog refuses to eat? Learn about some common, plus some lesser-known, reasons why your dog isn’t eating.

Key Points

  • If your dog isn’t eating, consult a vet within 8-12 hours if there is any accompanying vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Absent these symptoms, there’s a few likely reasons your dog isn’t eating, including emotional issues.
  • While concerning, a dog not eating is an issue that often resolves itself, though it’s best to monitor closely.

Reasons Why

  1. Illness – The most likely reason your dog isn’t eating runs parallel to the main reason humans don’t eat at times.
  2. Medications – Has your dog recently been put on medication? That drug and/or regimen change might be upsetting their stomachs.
  3. Social & Emotional Issues – Just as a major life change like moving to a new city, changing jobs, or a breakup can affect your appetite, an upheaval in a dog’s life could affect their hunger as well.
  4. Owner Absence – If it seems like your dog doesn’t eat or drink when you’re gone, but scarfs down their food when you arrive home, know that it’s probably not just your imagination.
  5. Time of Day – Some dogs only eat during specific times of the day. Maybe your pup only likes to chow down at noon, or perhaps they only finish their bowl after the sun goes down. No matter what your dog’s preferences are, eating at the same time each day is common practice. If they only eat during one time of day, it’s likely nothing to worry about.
  6. Food Preferences – Your pup’s shift in eating habits might also be because the formula of their regular dog food has recently changed. To combat this potential issue, Hohenhaus suggests not always feeding your dog the same type of food.

Another reason why your dog might not be eating? The food has gone stale. Check the use-by or expiration date on the bag or even just follow your nose. If it has expired or smells weird, throw out that food and buy a new bag. A good rule of thumb is to buy bags of dog food roughly the size of your dog. For instance, buy one five-pound bag for your five-pound dog.

Spur Their Appetite

  • Warmup your dog’s food in the microwave.
  • Pour chicken broth, beef broth, clam juice, or tuna water over the food to make it more appealing.
  • Pour warm water over dry food to make it softer.
  • Feeding your dog dry food if they usually only eat wet food or vice versa.
  • Try hand-feeding, as social eaters sometimes just want attention.
  • In serious cases, your vet could prescribe a medication that could induce eating.

Note: If you have questions or concerns about your dog’s health or possible symptoms, be sure to contact and consult with your veterinarian right away.
